Friday 19 November 2021

Owl facts

 Owl facts.

1.Did you know owls are sometimes a symbol of learning? Libraries and bookstores sometimes use pictures of owls to represent reading or wisdom. Maybe this is because owls can see in the dark, detecting things that others can’t see. They are silent, quick and keep to themselves. They sometimes have a watchful, thoughtful look.

2.Owls can’t really read, but they are smart. They hunt for mice, lizards and other small animals at night. Owls have soft feathers to keep them warm. You might miss their soft hooting noise if you’re not listening carefully.

3.Barn owls mate for life. They cuddle with their mates and babies. When one mate dies, the other one becomes depressed and might even die too.

  • Owls can’t move their eyes. They must turn their heads to see.

  • Over 200 types of owls live on the earth.

  • Owls can turn their heads almost completely around.

  • Owls spit up pellets that contain the bones and fur of their prey.

4.Ospreys build large nests from sticks. The nests sit atop telephone poles, docks or trees. Ospreys lay between one and five eggs at one time. The eggs don’t hatch all at once though. The first egg hatches a few days before the last. The oldest and biggest chick bosses the other chicks around.

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