Thursday 11 November 2021

Looking for the lost statue of Easter island


  • Nixon.

  • Joshua.

  • Hugo.

One dark time underwater I was exploring the underwater seas with my friends Hugo and Nixon through the waters of  Easter island.

We were swimming and swimming through the water and then we saw three big sharks roaming through the water and they thought we were fish, then Hugo threw a fish far into the water and one of them went for it but 2 others didn´t. Joshua hit a rock and started bleeding. The sharks were getting ready to charge at us but we got to land. Nixon and Joshua were getting hungry, Hugo was not but we were all tired so and there is sharks in the water so none of us can go in but we found 8 cows, then we got our spears and killed , we got to the camp and cooked the meat we got some bread and made steak sandwiches. This helped us to get our energy back and the sharks swam away we jumped back into the water and we swam really far in the water and found a Easter island statue. We did not have any water proof things, but we got back to land and started walking for a exercise. Next Hugo found 3 axes and a 5 meter rope so we started chopping down trees. We carried them to the water and put the rope together and tied it up with the rope and built a raft and we were free back to New Zealand.

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